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The word Goya conveys a contemplative "as-if" that nonetheless feels like reality, and describes the suspension of disbelief that can occur,

often through good storytelling.


Francesco Di Cristofaro - bansuri, flutes, duduk, accordeon
Andrea Laudante - live electronics, piano
Gabriele Tinto - percussions, fx
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"Fine:" installazione audiovisiva, Stanza dei fuochi, Opificio Puca, 2020 Maria Giovanna Abbate, Francesco Capasso, degoya.




"...l'uso di strumentazione proveniente dai più svariati luoghi, abbinato all'ottimo uso della materia elettronica, fa di Fragmenta un'ottima produzione."


Mirco Salvadori - Rocherilla



"...degoya multiplie les sensations, passant de l’obscurité à la lumière, construisant un univers centré sur le multiculturalisme et l’ouverture, la tribalité et la modernité, avec un sens de l’harmonie aux balancements subtils et enivrants. Un album brillant du début à la fin. Captivant."


Roland Torres - SilenceAndSound




"...un suggestivo incontro tra percussioni, electronics e strumenti a fiato della tradizione indiana, est europea e mediorentale."


Andrea Prevignano - Rumore




"...sometimes releases arrive and you wonder what they are and while they seem to be outside one's comfort zone, they also sound quite fascinating... Strange music? Not really. Unusual?Perhaps. Great? Absolutely!."


Frans de Ward - Vital weekly






© 2024 by Francesco Di Cristofaro

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